Funsho Aroniyo-Owohunwa, who holds a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree and a certification in Allied health Rehabilitation Administration from The University of Montana is a foreign trained therapist with over 27 years of international experience and has an ample knowledge of what it takes to be licensed in Canada; He has successfully sat for several international and national licensing examinations in Canada and the US.

He heads our international recruitment; and has assisted us in developing a sample NPTE (National Physical Therapy Examination).

Our sample NPTE is used to assess the technical qualifications of Physical Therapist candidates. Those candidates who score high on our sample NPTE stand an excellent chance to pass the official NPTE in Canada.

It is costly to hire PTs, obtain their visas, and also assist with relocation to the Canada only to find that they did not pass the NPTE. Our sample NPTE test minimizes the need to replace failed candidates, saving thousands of dollars and valuable time. 

Our effective selection process ensures that each candidate is experienced, personable, and proficient in the English language. The PT candidates must pass the required English examinations. 

We comply with the requirements of CAPTR (Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy regulators) & PHYSIOTHERAPY ALBERTA COLLEGE +ASSOCIATION when recruiting physical therapists. Evaluation of transcripts and credentials are carried out by the Alliance. 

Physical Therapists


In Canada a physiotherapist (PT) is a university graduate with a minimum of four years academic training plus clinical internships completed in recognized health care facilities across the world.  Foreign educated PTs wanting to receive an independent practice certificate in Canada must generally complete three steps.


The Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators and the Physiotherapist Credential Evaluators (PCE) work together to determine educational equivalence of PTs educated outside of Canada.  This process generally takes 10 - 14 weeks to complete. The fees required to complete this step are currently $725.00 Cdn. and is paid directly to the Alliance.


The PNE consists of two parts: a written exam (Qualifying Exam) and a clinical component (Physiotherapy National Exam) 

The written component is a 4 hour multiple choice written exam that evaluates a candidate's knowledge about entry-level physical therapy skills, behaviours and abilities; this exam is usually done twice a year. 

The clinical component involves 16 stations in an Objective Structured Clinical Examination format. This component test a candidate's understanding and performance of safe, effective application of the principles and processes of entry level PT practice. 

These two components are completed separately with a passing score of the PNE being a requirement to be eligible to take the clinical exam. 

The cost of the written exam is and the clinical exam is determined by the Regulators. The full amount of these fees are paid to the appropriate licensure/regulatory body (The Alliance). No portion of these fees is related to services provided to applicants by the staffing division of BlackGold Physical Therapy clinic Inc.


Upon successfully completing steps 1 and 2, applicants are required to register with the provincial regulatory body. The registration fees vary from province to province.

Some Provinces example Alberta Province may permit a provisional licensure under mentor-ship after successful completion of Part 1 examination.


There are two methods of immigrating to Canada where a valid job offer exists. 

The first option is to apply for a ‘Temporary Foreign Worker’s permit which allows an employer to offer and validate employment for up to two years. The job offer must be validated by Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC). Validation by HRDC ensures that the employer has made reasonable efforts to employ a qualified Canadian, but none are available. The federal government’s policy establishes that Canadians must have first opportunity at employment openings and not be displaced by a foreign worker. 

The second immigration option is to apply for permanent landed immigrant status. The individual applying receives priority because a valid job awaits them. Entry into Canada is then permanent and the landed individual and their immediate family members may apply for citizenship after three years residence. Although this approach may appear to be better the processing time is significantly longer due to the security and personal checks that are required. 

BlackGold Physical Therapy only assists with the first option as there tends to be less complication in the application process and the worker will normally arrive in Canada much faster. In addition, the Canada Immigration Act changed in 2002 allowing temporary foreign workers to apply for landed status from within Canada. This means a temporary worker may apply for landed status as soon as they enter Canada . This allows the worker to begin employment sooner and gain the advantages of living in Canada while their application is being processed. 

In order to facilitate the immigration process, our company oversees and monitors the process for both the worker and the employer. By having the applicants assign us as their representative we are able to communicate directly with HRDC, Immigration Canada and the Canadian Embassies and Consulates on the status of your application. This removes a major burden from both parties and allows our experts to provide the service for you. 

In order for you to apply for entry into Canada you must complete the necessary Canada Immigration forms. 

If you are applying for temporary foreign worker status you will find the forms in their website at .

If you are applying for landed immigrant status please use the forms available in their website at 

Once again, we will recommend which process is better for you given the job opportunity and processing times.

We ask that you download the forms, complete them including the form assigning BLACKGOLD PHYSICAL THERAPY CLINIC INC. as your representative and forward the forms to us.

We will ensure the forms are completed appropriately and forward them to the necessary Embassy for processing. 

We will immediately initiate to track the process and keep you informed of the timelines and any issues that may arise. It is very important that you assign us as your representative so that we may do the work for you. 

Our experienced staff is able to answer questions and provide accurate and realistic information. Check out these resources for more information or Call Us (780) 215-0570

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