Physical therapy is a treatment process that is focused on addressing the musculoskeletal system, especially the bones, joints and muscles. This therapy involves various types of exercises, massages and stretches to help in the recovery of patients who have been affected by injuries or aging. Physical therapy is very essential since it addresses the underlying cause of the problem, thus reducing or eliminating any long term consequences that the patient may face. Some of the important advantages of physical therapy for seniors includes: Reduce the risks of falls: Falls are the most common cause of injury for seniors and in many cases, can lead to fractures, skin tears or other serious life-threatening injuries. The physical therapy which is provided addresses various muscle groups that are often affected when people fall.
Increase in the mobility of the seniors: A major problem faced by seniors is decreased mobility. Because of this decreased mobility, it is difficult for them to carry out daily activities like bathing and eating. In addition to that, a number of senior citizens find it difficult to move from one place to another. Thus, there is an increased risk of falls, which can lead to fractures, injuries and other such problems. By undergoing physical therapy, you can increase your chances of avoiding such incidents and falling accidentally.
Treat Chronic Pain: Another major problem faced by seniors is chronic pain. They suffer from pain due to various ailments like arthritis, kidney and heart disease, gout etc. All such ailments cause severe pain and restrict their movement. In order to reduce or eliminate this pain, physical therapy is a must. The physical therapist will teach the seniors how to perform certain exercises and stretches that will improve their blood circulation, enable them to increase their flexibility, strength and mobility.
Reduce the risk of joint injuries: Osteoporosis is an age-related disease that leads to increased risk of fractures, injuries and other such problems. Thus, physical therapy helps in reducing the risk of fractures and other injuries. It helps increase the mobility of joints, which in turn reduces the risk of falling. Physical therapists often help seniors by educating them on exercises that help increase their flexibility, strength and endurance.
Reduce the risk of falls: One of the most common injuries experienced by seniors is falling. Studies show that elderly suffering from falls are more likely to die earlier than those who do not suffer from such accidents. This is one of the reasons why physical therapy is essential for seniors. A physical therapist will teach the seniors about how to prevent falling and also about the various precautions they need to take to prevent any injury due to falls.
These are some of the major benefits of physical therapy for seniors. Apart from treating aches and pains, increasing the mobility and preventing injuries, it can also help in preventing chronic conditions and diseases. However, it is important to note that any treatment should be started early if you want to see the best results. Early treatment ensures that any condition does not become worse. In addition, prevention is always better than cure. Thus, consulting a professional for a treatment is very important.